Monday, August 21, 2006

Home Sweet Home :D

I'm just waiiiiiting to go home and see the familiar roads and buildings and taxis and autos!! Waiting to see Mummy and Baba and my baby sister Midu, who's grown up so much in the span of one year that I have been married!!! Waiting to meet Ma and Jit and darling little Billu, who we hear has become a really naughty little mutt!!! Waiting to see the new lean, mean fighting machine that Boo claims to have become!! Waiting to meet my friends and see how much they've changed. And see Durga's baby Sanjith, whom I met when he was just a day old. Waiting to even meet my maid servant who is excited with the news of me coming, the old watchman and the familiar autowallahs and the chaps sitting in Dhanvantri pharmacy. The familiar Hindi in Delhi, where we land (I swear if you were to hear my Hindi nowadays you would not believe I lived in Delhi 8 years!!! ) the charming Bangla in Kolkata, our next stop and of course the rustic brilliance of Tamil back home in Chennai. Can't wait to be home!!!!!


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