What a way to get to know me!!!!!

Thanks Moonmoon for enriching my blogging experience by tagging me even before I wrote my first blog. Well this is probably the most insightful first blog in the history of blogs... hehehe... Here goes:
So I am supposed to list 6 (not more, not less- SIX) "weird" habits I have... hmmm... let's see:
- I always start doing something that really needs to get done just before I am supposed to leave from home. For instance, say 10 mins before I need to leave I'll attend to the sink full of dishes that needed to get done in the morning!! My husband hates it that always when he's at the door, ready to leave, I head back inside to spray on some deodorant or something like that!
- I can be a people-pleaser alot of times and find it difficult to assert myself. But I hope I still come off being my individualistic self, who is also nice to people :)
- I am an impossible procrastinator... sometimes there's a voice inside me telling me "Come on- you need to do XYZ and you're not doing anything at all anyway... why not do it now?" and still I'd rather watch TV!!!
- But in direct contrast to the earlier point, I have to reply to mails as soon as I get them... because I know if I don't do it then, in all probability I will forget later.
- I lovvvve making lists. Hehe ask anyone at home I have a list for everything... for what I need to do in the day, what I need to remind someone about, what I need to pack for a trip etc etc. I guess you could say I have a "list-fetish".
- I still get unbelievably excited when my sweetheart calls unexpectedly from work or just lands up home without calling before he starts from the office!! He still gives me the rush like when we started going out 8 years back!!
Ok Ok so I'm weird... hrmmmphh!! but I guess, hehehe, so are a lot of people!!! Here's to us :)
(Image courtesy: Getty Images)
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